Some Oakland Raider Records

Today I decided to look up some all-time NFL records and see how many of them are associated with the Raiders organization. It was a lot of fun looking at some of these and I added a few of my own comments in for your veiwing pleasure. Most of the records I found came from the NFL Record and Fact Book.
This first one is one that a lot of people probably know.
Who played the most seasons in the NFL? The answer is George Blanda. He played for an amazing 26 seasons. He spent 1967 - 1975 in the Silver and Black. Blanda is also third all time in scoring behind Gary Anderson and Morten Andersen and attempted and made the most PATs in NFL history.
Did You Know? Sebastion Janikowski is tied with 5 other players with the most field goals in one quarter with 4.
Who scored the most touchdowns in their career?
Most fans probably know this one falls to Jerry Rice with 208 TDs but some may not know in third place is Marcus Allen with 145. Rice did most of this in a 49ers uniform but he did have one probowl year in Oakland. Allen on the other hand had his best years in Oakland but has issues with the organization and retired as a Cheif.
Passes Completed?
Rich Gannon holds the record for the most passes completed in a Season with 418 and doesn't even fall in the top three for most passes attempted in a season. 2002 was Gannon's MVP season and the last Oakland Raiders Superbowl run. Gannon also is third behind Donovan McNabb (24) and Joe Montana (22) for the most consecutive passes completed with 21 and holds the record for the most 300 yard passing games in a season with 10.
Wide Recievers!!!
Jerry Rice holds the record for the most pass receptions in his career with 1549 and Tim Brown is third on the list with 1094. Rice also hold the record with most consecutive games with a pass reception with 274 and Tim Brown is third once again with 179. Another of Rice's many records is the most yards gained in a career. He gain 22,895 yards and Tim Brown follows him in a not so close second with 14,934 yards. The touchdown mark, set by Rice, is 197 and Tim Brown is thrid with 100.
The Punter
Current Raider, Shane Lechler, holds the record for the Highest Punting average in the NFL with 45.9 yards per punt. Lechler is still young and will hopefully continue to add to his record.
Did you know? The mark for the most safeties in a career is held by Ted Hendricks with 4.
There are some other records that the Raiders hold as a team, like penalties, that we'll just overlook for now. If you'd like to see more of these records just check out the NFL Record and Fact Book.
For what it is worth, the 22nd pass Gannon threw was completed to Charlie Garner. He was ruled out of bounds, but replay showed he clearly had both feet in bounds and control of the ball. The TV commentators also agreed. The play, however, wasn't worth challenging. Gannon actually continued on to complete 30 consecutive that game.
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