Some Random Oakland Raiders Thoughts

Since it is a Saturday, I decided not to dwelve into any deep thought topics, but instead will write a few things and show some fun links I've found.
Division Rivals
Let's start on the topic of division rivals. The AFC West has some of the best rivalries in all of sports and it makes being a fan of an AFC West team that much more fun. You could argue all day about who is our best rivalry and still not be able to pick one. This is an interesting site I found about How to annoy rival football fans. Most of these probably already take place in AFC West rivalries, but it is funny to see them listed on the web so I thought I'd point it out.
Raider Haters
Another topic I've been thinking about is haters. There are probably more Raiders haters than Raider fans. This could have a lot to do with our rivalries, but we have more than any other team in the league. Just do a Google Search on "Raider Hater" and you'd be suprised how many sites there are out there that just slam the Raiders and do nothing else. Even analysts and journalists have the raider hating bug, Calico Jack has a really good post called Raider Hater Journalism 101.
Al Davis
I will conclude the post on the topic of Al Davis. Al is now 76 years old and many people are questioning his health. Al's mother, Rose, lived to be 103 years old. If Al inherited any of his mother's longevity, we could be seeing him around for another 27 years. Whatever happens, Al Davis is and always will be the Raiders.
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